Tuesday, November 18, 2008


So far my posts are on professional side and today I thought of giving some personal touch starting with some achievements of mine. So far I achieved little... As every one I like to brag (rather blog) about myself. Here are list of few of my achievements

  • Getting into HCU (Hyderabad Central University/University Of Hyderabad). Got 14 in All India test. More than achievement this is a good break for me - March 1998.

  • First prize in Non-technical event during an all India meet in Pondichery University - March 2001.

  • Kudos from CDAC boss on contributions to AKSHARA (Word Processor for Indian Languages) project - June 2003

  • Appreciation from Michel Cohen client architect with 17yr exp; "you are quite but do good job" - Feb 2005

  • Recieving best contribution award from CEO, UBoC - Oct 2008 (photo on top).
But biggest moment is obviously getting married - March 2008.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I created a Virtual Machine...

Today I created a OpenSolaris virtual machine... feeling great. I used Sun xVM Virtual Box.
I first came accross xVM during this year Sun Tech Days. I was planning to start on this for quire some time and finally started on. Its cool and easy to set up. Downloaded and installed the xVM virtual box. Then downloaded the OpenSolaris .iso file. Followed the instructions and created the open solaris virtual machine. Tried to do few things on Solaris.. played games and then thought of creating a "Hello World" java program. Then realised I forgot most of Linux commands especially using Vi editor. I stopped today to refresh my Linux knowledge. I love to discuss my furthur expirences with virtual box and knowledge on Virtualization in next of my future blogs.